The international science project competition seeks to stimulate the mobility of students’ thinking and creative labor in all scientific domains, assisting students in practicing their scientific research ability, self-study, or group-work ability.

Create favorable conditions for students to conduct scientific research, apply science and practice, and encourage the effective application of scientific research to production and life in order to contribute to socio-economic development and carry out the country’s industrialization and modernization.


– Vietnamese and International students studying in Vietnam’s universities, institutes, and colleges.

– Registration form: Personal or group (each group must not exceed 5 students).

Number of research projects

– Each individual or group can register to participate in 1 or more topics/projects.

– Each unit can submit up to 10 topics in a single field.

Competition’s field

The competition is open to all new ideas for production, life, economics, society, security, and defense. Competition solutions have been filed in the 10 fields listed below:

1 Information technology, electronics, and telecommunications;

2 Mechanical automation, construction, transportation;

3 Materials, chemicals, and electrical;

4 Agriculture, forestry and fishery, resources and environment;

5 Pharmacy;

6 Education and training;

7 Social and Humanities;

8 Economy;

9 Food Technology;

10 Administration – Legislation.

Guidelines for evaluating competing ideas

1 Novelty and inventiveness in comparison to existing solutions in Vietnam: The proposed solution does not match any solution announced in any Vietnamese authoritative source or used in Vietnam previously to the submission date.

2 Wide applicability in Vietnamese conditions: The proposed solution has been tested, tried, and confirmed to be suitable or has been effectively used.

3 Economic, technological, and social effectiveness: The solution provides more socioeconomic advantages than equivalent solutions now available in Vietnam, and it has no negative consequences on the environment and society.

Research project layout

  1. Question: State the necessity of the topic, the reason for choosing the topic.
  2. Document overview: A brief overview of the topic, stating the scientific solutions that have been solved at home and abroad, the existing problems that need to be further researched, and the author’s solution (the author’s group). 
  3. Objectives – Methods: Objectives of the work, research methods.
  4. Results – Discussion: Content – ​​research results achieved.
  5. Conclusion – Suggestion: State the conclusions, scientific significance, economic and social effectiveness, scale, and scope of application, and suggest directions for further research.
  6. References, appendices, list of previous works of the author (if any).

The application file consists of two sets, including the application form, a description of the contest solution, and the full text of the contest solution in the fields of science and technology.

  1. The application form (made according to the form) includes the following contents:

– Full name of the contestant;

– The name of the contestant organization;

– Address of the place of work;

– Address of residence

– Contact phone

– Occupation of the author or group of authors (an individual record);

– Name of the solution to be contested;

– The field of competition;

– Time of creating the solution (insert day, month, year);

– List of leaders and members, agree on the percentage of each person’s contribution and authorize 01 (one) person to act as the contest representative if the solution is created by the author’s team;

– The contestant’s commitment that the things stated in the application file is true;

– Confirmation of the organization that allows the competition if the author is an individual or a group, or the confirmation of the locality where the author resides.

  1. Description of the contest solution:

– Name of the contest solution (write as the name registered in the contest registration form);

– Description of known solutions (if any), a brief description of known solutions before the date of creation of the contested solution, in particular, it is necessary to clearly state the disadvantages that need to be overcome of such solutions;

– Describe the contest solution, explain the novelty and creativity of the contest solution. Briefly, but fully and clearly, describe the entire content of the contest solution. In particular, it is necessary to specify which shortcomings have been overcome, initiatives to improve indicators of known solutions (if any) or completely new creations;

– Applicability is demonstrated through technology transfer contracts, trial production contracts, sales contracts, or sales invoices;

– The economic efficiency of the contest solution is the direct benefit that can be obtained from applying the new solution to production. There is an economic calculation compared to the old solution or to similar solutions known in Vietnam;

– Technical efficiency is shown by new and more advanced technical criteria than previously known techniques;

– Social effects such as improving life, raising people’s intellectual level, protecting health, working conditions, labor safety, protecting schools, creating more jobs for employees. . .